Friday, January 6, 2012

My Rating System

5/5 Highly Recommended to everyone!
-This is a work that everyone should check out if they have the chance
4/5 Recommended unless you really don’t like this type of thing
-This is a work most people will enjoy, but a few with specific tastes might just not get it
3/5 Recommended if you’re the right kind of person
-This is more specified: it's not a bad work, but it's probably going to put some people off and not everyone will enjoy it. It may have some serious flaws which some people might not be able to get past.
2/5 Not recommended unless you're really into that sort of thing
-It's really not a good work by any objective standard. It's deeply flawed and general audiences won't like it. Those who have a real, serious interest in some element of the work, however, might find it worthwhile.
1/5 Not Recommended at all
-This is just bad and pretty much no one will get anything worthwhile out of it. Just ignore it.
0/5 Recommended that you destroy any copy you find
-This work is not just bad and flawed but actively hurtful and poisonous. It's the kind of work that censorship was invented for. Avoid at all costs.

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